Last night as I sat at Brooke's final MYS (Metropolitan Youth Symphony) concert, I realized that the violin she was using had been to many MYS concerts, violin lessons, recitals, spring tours, high school honor orchestras, Highland High School concerts, church events and District Honor Orchestras than I could count. It amazed me that I had been to many such concerts, lessons, honor orchestras, etc. and I felt a sense of overwhelming gratitude for my little family. As well as violin performances I've witnessed my girls in soccer games, choir concerts (including some right on BYU TV), piano recitals, etc. I've watched my girls coach soccer teams, run for office and swim their hearts out at swim meets.
I guess what I'm starting to realize as my little peeps leave the nest is that I'm grateful to be a mom. Growing up I guess I always knew I would be a mom but it was never something I dreamed about like a lot of girls I know do now and did then. But now, looking back, there is nothing I would rather do than be a mom, nothing.
And so while I send one girl off to Fourth Grade and another to Spain, I realize that being a mom is what I've always wanted to be...I just didn't know it back then.
Brooke in Jr. High |
Rylee in High School |