Sunday, May 12, 2013

17 Reasons why our Momma is the Best!

If any of you know our mom like we do, you'll know that 17 is her favorite number to exaggerate with.
For example: "I've told you 17 times to make your bed!" or "You've listened to the same Justin Bieber song 17 times in a row!" (she's obviously not a Belieber...But we still love her.) and finally, "You've sneezed, like, 17 times this morning!" (she doesn't allow sneezing in the house.)
Whelp, let's get this list started!
1. She references cool YouTube videos on a daily basis. Her favorite one-liner is "Ain't nobody got time for that!"
2. She is the best example we have. She goes to the temple weekly, serves people daily and we can always find her in the mornings in her blue chair reading her scriptures.
3. She likes food.
- Bacon. Lots of bacon!
- French Fries. Her favorites are: In N Out, 5 Guys and McDonald's. (She's very picky)
- Potato Chips. She yells at us from wherever she is if she hears us open the Lays bag...
4. She is a hard worker! Every Saturday she is outside with us pulling weeds and trimming bushes.
5. She sets rules.
- No sneezing
- No saying "crap" (oops...)
- No wet hair on her pillow
6. She teaches us how to be good sisters and friends to others.
7. She watches The Five most every day and enjoys yelling at the TV from time to time.
8. She is the biggest support ever! She never misses a soccer game, choir concert or piano recital if she can help it.
9. She listens to all the "hip, new" songs on the radio. Her favorites include Call Me Maybe, What Makes You Beautiful and Boyfriend. (Just kidding about Boyfriend. She really isn't a JB fan...)
10. She is the greatest Mini Van Chauffeur around and is always willing to take us where we need to go. It's also fun to drive around with her because she is fun to talk to and serenade during the drive.
11. Her vocabulary is incredible. Phrases like "just real..." and "that's right girlfraaann" are used daily.
12. She always keeps the house clean and teaches us how to keep our things clean as well.
13. She is smokin' hott.
14. She is selfless. She is always thinking of others before herself.
15. She inspires us to want to be amazing moms like the one she is someday.
16. She is very good at keeping us humble. Whenever we get too full of ourselves or complain about something she reminds us that we can get over it because she "carried us for nine months!"
17. She is our very best friend and the only person we can talk to about everything.
She's all that and a bag of chips! (Her new favorite saying these days.)
We love you mom and hope that you have the best Mother's Day! You deserve it, thanks for everything that you do!
Haley, Brooke and Andie. (We're sure Rylee feels the same way... She just isn't here at the moment.)

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