Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sophomore Summer Reading

This summer Brooke has summer reading to prepare for her sophomore year. She is to read Anthem and Fahrenheit 451.

I'm always looking for a good book to read in the summer and I knew Rylee and Haley had read them as well so I thought I would take a gander.

Last night I went into Brooke's room to borrow from the Rylee/Brooke wall of books. It's literally : ) a wall of books. Okay, not literally (Rylee will call me on this) but a huge bookcase full of books!

When I opened Fahrenheit 451 this is what I saw:

How cute is that Rylee started with the date she read it, then Haley added her sophomore summer year and then Brookie. I would add my own name and date but I feel that it would ruin the nostalgia of it all.

I told Andie that in 2016 she'll get to add her name. She rolled her eyes.


  1. This is the best thing I have ever seen. I think I'm crying.

  2. You think you're crying, or you're crying??
