Thursday, March 21, 2013

Family History

I am sitting here doing bills (not fun) getting ready to drop my taxes off to our accountant (really not fun) and listening to a Roots Tech Family History conference online as it streams live from Utah.

And so, I attempt to keep track of the "everyday events,"mostly because I love my family and want to share with them what I remember (which seems to be diminishing daily).

We watched the end of Jeopardy! which got Andie totally hooked. Her dad is thrilled! After which we saw a PBS special about a very smart computer trained to play on Jeopardy! Andie was hooked again. Now we have to set the time to watch Jeopardy each night, that is of course, after watching I Love Lucy reruns! At this point Andie pointed out that she wanted to learn as much as she can. I had to remind my I-don't-love-school 11-year-old that that's why she goes to school. She knew the minute she opened her mouth to say that about learning what my response would be. Smart girl!

Brooke is off to California for her very first ever Orchestra Spring Tour. It's two days of performing and clinics followed by the ever so exciting day at Disneyland. I remember going with Rylee her senior year on her Spring Tour. I look forward to attending with Brooke while she's in high school. Did I mention I'm glad to be back in the whole orchestra/choir thing again? Yeah!!

Haley calls each day (as did Rylee) as she walks home from school. This is a nice time for us to chat about how well she is doing at BYU and how much she loves it. She's doing very well in school and loving the social life!

I am grateful for each of my girls, they are the jewels in my crown. Sounds corny but that's how I feel about each one of them. I'm so grateful to be their mom.

Today after my institute class one of Brooke's Young Women leaders pulled me aside and told me of an experience she had with Brooke just a few weeks ago. Several girls were asked to read or tell a story about the Atonement in their Sunday lesson. She said Brooke got up to read her part and couldn't get through it, that she was very emotional and had to stop several times. She said she felt the spirit so strongly and she could tell Brooke had an understanding of the Atonement. It is stories like these that make me grateful to not only be a mom but a mom to four amazing people.
This picture just makes me smile each and every time it pops up on my computer. I love it. I love them. Aren't they cute?!?!!!

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