Sunday, March 24, 2013

Love Notes

After several hours and days of weeding, it's finally done...until next week of course when more will pop up in their place. And even though the date of this post is today, Sunday, this all took place yesterday of course!

Steve was busy emptying our swimming pool and getting it summer ready.

That didn't stop Andie, however, from taking  a quick swim (still a bit too cold!) I had to send this picture to Kym because she had just sent me a picture of Colorado with the caption, "Let it snow!" I couldn't resist.

Yesterday after a rough game of soccer for Andie (she was knocked down several times) we returned home to eat our "buy one get one free" from Chipotle for all soccer players who wore their jerseys into the restaurant. Andie looked a little worse for the wear but gathered the strength to get her free meal!

When I finally made it upstairs for the night (weeding takes a lot out of you!) I saw these love notes on all of our beds (except for Rylee and Haley's which will need to be mailed):

Each of our girls, over the years, have left notes like this for Steve and me and each other. I am grateful for girls who are considerate and who really do love each other and their parents.

Tomorrow's post: Rylee!

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