Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Seminary Scripture Mastery Centurion

As of Monday, April 15th the Carling family now has three Seminary Scripture Mastery Centurions. 

Each year seminary students are challenged to memorize 25 scripture mastery scriptures for the book they are studying that year. This year, for example, the students are studying New Testament and so are highly encouraged to memorize the 25 scriptures the church feels are important to memorize. (I remember doing this myself as a seminary student.)

I'm not sure if this is unique to our state but Arizona seminary students are challenged to memorize all 100 scriptures and be able to write them down in less than 10 minutes in order to earn the title of Centurion. In doing so, Sister Morris (seminary secretary), takes their picture where it hangs on the halls of the seminary building. The youth are then treated, at the end of the year, to a steak dinner.

Monday, Brooke was able to do this in under seven minutes...three minutes to spare!

In a few weeks you'll see her Centurion picture here (this one is too cute so it will take its place until then):

Rylee and Haley have both earned this amazing and honorable award. Here are their pictures that hung on the walls of the Highland High School Seminary building.

Cute Rylee.

Cute Haley.

I'm so, so proud of my girls. They were never pressured or cajoled into doing this. It is something they did entirely on their own. I couldn't be more happy and proud of them!

1 comment:

  1. Woah...I never got a steak dinner. I've been robbed. Also, I submit that my centurion picture, one where I have no make-up and just got out of a 4 hour AP test is still the best picture I have ever taken. Amen.
