Monday, April 15, 2013

The Ever Popular AIMS Testing week

All elementary school aged children have mixed feelings when it comes to yearly AIMS testing (Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards).

First, they feel dread that it's AIMS week. They've been preparing all year and most especially the weeks leading up to AIMS. Very stressful for these young-uns.

Second, they feel excited! No homework during AIMS testing. Yay!

Third, they feel hungry and tired. Letters and emails come home telling the mothers of the home that they not only need to have their lovely children in bed on time each night (something we try to do anyway but with soccer and piano and violin, etc. etc. it can be tricky) but that they also need to feed their children a well balanced breakfast EACH morning!

Heavens, this is stressful for moms, forget the kids!

So, Andie said she wanted pancakes for breakfast one morning. Being the dutiful mother that I am, I woke up extra early this morning to make my AIMS-testing daughter breakfast.

Fortunately, Brooke's Food Network magazine came in the nick of time and it happened to have a wonderful recipe for pancakes. Not sure how healthy but...

After making the pancakes, you add strawberries that you let sit all night in a brown sugar mix. You then add a dallop of freshly whipped whipping cream.

Then of course sprinkle more brown sugar on top...why not?

It was just real yummy. We actually all sat down together as a family and ate breakfast.

I guess AIMS week isn't that bad after all.