Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Love to See the Temple

We are excited about the temple being built only five miles from our house! We see the Gilbert Arizona Temple on our way to soccer each week and it has been so fun to see the progress being made on it.

This picture was taken when our Stake Presidency asked each family in the stake to take a picture before groundbreaking and then evaluate where we were when the temple is finally dedicated (thanks Kym for the picture!).

Here is our family at the temple groundbreaking:

During Ward Conferences, each of the youth and primary were asked to take a rock and write how they were going to build themselves as the temple was built. My good friend Becky Mousser was blessed to be able to see these rocks placed in the foundation of the temple right where the baptismal font will be placed. Our children will be a part of the Gilbert Temple forever! Just a neat blessing to be able to do that.

Andie's rock.

Brooke's rock.

Haley's rock. (Rylee was at BYU, sorry Ry!)

Here they are placed in the foundation of the temple. So, so neat!

Here we are watching Moroni being placed atop the temple:

These pictures were taken as part of a Young Women/Activity day activity:

Where Brooke and Andie are standing now is where our family stood to take pictures up above. Lots of progress!

We love to see the temple! And we love to see it being built!

You can also find a picture of our amazing primary with our hard hats on in the April 2013 issue of The Friend (page 6). We have been focusing on building ourselves as we watch the building of the temple.

We are so lucky!

1 comment:

  1. Wait, where are the pictures we took as a family?? I want to SEE!!
