Friday, March 22, 2013

Our Little Plot of Land

First of all, I was going through pictures and found this:
How can a teeny bopper 15-year-old be taller than her mother?As Andie would say, "Uh huh, that's right girlfriend." Wow, she's tall!

Okay, on to my little plot of land here upon this earth. For the past week or so I have been setting a timer for one hour a day to rid our lovely yard of weeds.

Growing up this was just part of our summer routine when spending the summer with our dad in Arizona. Frequently in the morning we would hear, "Girls get up, put your suits on and go out and weed." Sigh. Didn't love it so much then.

But now that it's my own yard, well that's another story. Steve will arm the girls with a bottle of Round Up and let 'em at the weeds, spraying to their heart's content. But having spent my years pulling the darn things out of the ground and hearing, with satisfaction, roots being yanked from their moorings (you know the sound I'm talking about) I feel that Round Up just doesn't cut it. Who wants dead carcass weed guts lying all around?

It look and feels so much better to have my yard go from this:
To this:
And this:
And this:
 And this:

(I've just been real busy.)

And this is where I'll be sitting for an hour to relax from the hour I spent weeding:

Now last Saturday Brooke and Andie did help for an hour before Andie's big soccer game where she played like a pro!
I should have her weed more often before games!

I am so thankful for my little plot of land on this earth. It's a place of many happy memories for our family. And I must say, it's nice sitting here typing on my computer and looking out my office window and weeds!

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