Thursday, March 28, 2013


Usually when my girls walk in the door from school I'll ask how they are, tell them I missed them and then ask, "So what was new and exciting today at school?"

Insert chirping crickets here.

So imagine my surprise when the other night before bed (notice not when I asked the all important question) Andie came into my room and said, "Oh by the way, Mr. Carroll (her math ALP teacher) wrote the names of the kids with the highest math grades on the board, and I'm first with 99%. Goodnight."

I called her back and congratulated her. Having the highest grade in honors math is quite an accomplishment I told her. She kind of blushed but didn't seem to think it was a big deal. I asked her if I could come in and take a picture of it for the blog (love the blog, MAKES me take more pictures). She of course said no.

However, Mr. Carroll said yes.

What you don't see is the note she left me in red at the bottom of this, telling me that she needed me to order her yearbook.

So although math homework frequently brings her to tears, she (and Steve) must be doing something right!


  1. Nice! Proud uncle over here. :-)

    1. Wow, when I saw Skelly I thought grandpa was speaking from heaven! Weird! I had forgotten you go by that name. You almost gave me a heart attack! : )
